Take Safety Home With You
Corporate Film Campaign
BC Ferries Engineering
BC Ferries is a Top Employer in British Columbia, and their Engineering team spans nearly 5,000 employees working to keep vessels and equipment moving and maintained. Safety is the top priority for the BC Ferries Engineering team. There are numerous protocols in place to ensure workers keep themselves, and their fellow workers safe. And this attention to detail, and focus on safety extends beyond the workplace and into the home in this fun internal campaign.
BC Ferries Engineering
Take Safety Home With You
Safe at work, and safe at home:
The Engineering Team came to ApplebyMedia with a specific goal:
"We want to encourage our team to apply the same attention to safety that they do in the workplace, at home."
Safety is a serious business, but it's commonly overlooked when we go home and live our day to day lives. So what are the seemingly mundane tasks that we do at home? Further, what would it look like if you approached these simple tasks with an extremely diligent amount of safety precautions?
Having some serious fun:
The goal of this project was to be funny and lighthearted, but careful not to 'make fun' of the safety protocols used by BC Ferries. In addition, it was important to extend those safety lessons to our families, and create films that employees could share with their families, reinforcing the message.
Further, the goal was to be seasonal in the deliverables we produced. The resulting project allowed the team to send out this fun, but important reminder to their Engineering team during the three seasons where they tend to see the most incidents occurring at home: Halloween, late fall, and Christmas.

Would you like to learn more about this project?
Please contact us.
Brian Appleby
Executive Producer & Creative Director